Home > Regional > North America > United States > California > Localities > L > Los Angeles > Neighborhoods > Brentwood
This is not the category for the City of Brentwood, California which is located in Contra Costa county, east of San Francisco. The neighborhood of Brentwood is part of the Westside, bounded by Bel Air, and I-405 on the east, West Los Angeles and Wilshire Boulevard on the southeast, Santa Monica on the south, Pacific Palisades and Topanga State Park on the west, and Encino and Mulholland Drive on the north. This category is for websites about the neighborhood of Brentwood. Examples include community organizations, homeowners' associations, or local newspapers. Sites about individual businesses, services, or people are listed in the appropriate Los Angeles subcategory.
Neighborhood directories and community information, local government links, and other resident resources provided.
Newsletter, announcements, photographs, and local links.
Neighborhood improvement organization. Newsletters, committee and officer directories, list of accomplishments, crime and zoning reports, and related links provided.
Area history, building and filming guidelines, news and event information, contacts, and government links.
Includes directory of merchants and services, events and the chamber president's news blog.
An architecturally controlled, historic, modern housing community designed by architects A. Quincy Jones and Whitney R. Smith. Includes news and archives.
Information about the canyon and ridges. History from the 1920’s as a research botanical garden for UCLA.
Works to protect and enhance the quality of life and the beauty of the open space; participates in civic affairs, disseminates news and information. Includes history.
Monthly community news magazine features traffic, schools, environment, local politics, lifestyle, arts and events.
Includes history, geography and demographic information about the neighborhood.
Home > Regional > North America > United States > California > Localities > L > Los Angeles > Neighborhoods > Brentwood
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