Home > Regional > North America > United States > Society and Culture > Politics > Candidates and Campaigns > Guides and Directories
Wiki about politics and elections, from the Lucy Burns Institute in Madison, Wisconsin.
Extensive directory includes sections on candidates, non-partisan groups, news, issues and voter registration.
Provide the narrative behind the flow of money and how professional politicking is influencing a flood of new spending. Individual financial profiles on PACs, nonprofit groups, donors and expenditures.
Directory of news and candidate featuring President and the Presidential Launch Pad. Includes email newsletter and discussion groups.
Daily reports of FEC actions, citizens/media guides to agency programs, campaign finance reports, reporting forms and related official information. FEC is the independent agency in charge of regulating the financing of federal political campaigns.
State-level campaign finance information now intended for academics, advocacy groups and journalists rather than the general public. Sells custom research services.
Provides data and digital trends surrounding the political process.
Provides information on money and influence in politics by tracking the big donors, how companies and whole industries spend their political money, and recipients of money from politically connected individuals. A project of the Sunlight Foundation.
Provides non-partisan information about the positions and voting records of candidates on various issues. Features quizzes, FAQ and a forum.
Guide to money in U.S. politics, including campaign money amounts and sources, searchable by party, candidate, lobbyist and election cycle. From the Center for Responsive Politics.
Lists campaign contributions by Politicial Action Committees (PACs) and donations to PACs, broken down by sector, industry and unique PAC.
Research about the 2016 election related to polls, surveys, demographics and issues.
News and information about campaign finance including lobbyists, firms and clients; donors, PACs, parties and 527s; and candidates. From CQ Roll Call.
Directory of state and congressional candidates and campaigns, state parties and local news sources.
Non-partisan information on U.S. federal and state candidates, ballot measures, issues and legislation. Includes directory of national and state political resources.
A collaboration of Stanford University and the University of Michigan, producing data on voting, public opinion, and political participation.
Independent, non-partisan analysis of U.S. elections.
Factual, non-partisan information about the general elections, primaries, caucuses, candidates, state and national political conventions, and delegate selections.
U.S. political blog including campaign analysis and race ratings.
Guide designed to assist in locating information on major U.S. political parties and the election process at the federal level.
Provides customized sample ballots, using voter's address, to provide side-by-side comparisons of candidates with pictures, bios, social media links and issue positions. Sections for voters, researchers, candidates and volunteers.
Provides the group's Congressional Report Cards and Congressional Toolkit to analyze the voting records of members of Congress.
Tracks and analyzes all broadcast advertisements aired by or on behalf of federal and state election candidates in every media market in the country, providing real-time information on the extent of corporate and union spending in federal election campaigns across the country, who specifically is doing that spending, and which candidates are benefiting.
Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article about the federal, state and major local elections.
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